Artistic Career
1959 She’s born in Barcelona. 1976 she realises her studies of interiorism in the Escuela de Artes y Oficios. Make courses in painting with painters: Badía Camps, Rafael Cortiella, Gloria Muñoz and Regina Giménez. Course taxed with Núria Durán.
Finalist in the Painting Contest Premio Valentí.
Selected and finalist in the V Contest Bienal of Pintura Joven Anquin's de Reus.
Selected in the XXI Edición de Premios de Arte Vila de Palamós.
Finalist in the Painting Contest Premio Valentí.
Honorable Mention Painting Contest Premio Valentí.
Selected in the XV National Painting Competition Calahorra City.
Selected in the 18th National Painting Competition Calahorra City.
Selected in the XX Painting Contest City of Calahorra.
Latest Exhibits She’s Done
Participated at Artexpo 2000, Barcelona.
Individual exhibit in Nova Gallery of Sabadell (Barcelona).
Individual exhibit in Zúccaro Gallery of Madrid.
Participated at the Holland ART Fair, Utrech.
Participate in Artexpo 2000.
Individual exhibit in Braulio Gallery of Castellón.
Participated at Interarte, Valencia, with Braulio Gallery.
Participated at the Madrid Art Fair with Beaskoa Gallery.
Rafael Gallery of Valladolid.
Participated at the Artexpo 2002, Barcelona.
Individual exhibit in Kokochkca Gallery of Irun.
Individual exhibit in Zúccaro Gallery of Madrid.
Individual exhibit in Braulio Gallery of Castellón.
Collective exhibit in Alcinas Gallery of Avilés.
Collective exhibit in Marga Prada Gallery.
Collective exhibit in Puchol Gallery.
Collective exhibit at the "tribute to Dalí” Beascoa Gallery.
Individual exhibit Traç d’Art Gallery of Sabadell, Barcelona.
Collective exhibit in Braulio Gallery of Castellón.
Selected at the contest Premio Valentí.
Collective exhibit in Arnau Gallery of Barcelona.
Individual exhibit in Punt d’Art Gallery of Girona.
Collective exhibit in José Lorenzo Gallery of Santiago Compostela.
Collective exhibit in Puchol Gallery of Valencia.
Collective exhibit at the Sala Artnau of Barcelona.
Individual exhibit in Braulio Gallery of Castellón.
Collective exhibit in Raquel Recio Gallery of Victoria.
Collective exhibit in Traç d'Art Gallery of Palamós.
Collective exhibit in Puchol Gallery of Valencia.
Individual exhibit in Zúccaro Gallery of Madrid.
Individual exhibit in Punt D’Art Gallery of Girona.
Benefit Exhibition in Sant Joan de Deu.
Collective exhibit in Sala Braulio of Castellón.
Collective exhibit in Raquel Recio Gallery of Vitoria.
Collective exhibit in Punt D'Art Gallery of Girona.
Collective XV Premio Nacional de Pintura de Castellón.
Exhibition in Züccaro Gallery of Madrid with Portolés.
Benefit Exhibition in Sant Joan de Deu.
Collective exhibit in Traç D'Art Gallery of Sabadell.
Collective exhibit in Sala Arnau of Barcelona.
Selected in the XV National Painting Contest"Fundación Cruzcampo-Ciudad de Calahorra"... Traveling Exhibition.
Selected in the II Certamen de Pintura Villa Sant Jordi.
Art Fair in Gante Gaudi Gallery of Madrid.
Collective exhibit in Sala Arnau of Barcelona.
Collective exhibit in Traç d'Art Gallery of Sabadell.
Benefit Exhibition in Sant Joan de Deu.
Exhibit in Sala Braulio of Castellón con Eider Astrain y Maria Tejada.
Exhibit in Traç d'Art Gallery of Palamós.
Collective at the ADA (Associació Dones de l'Art).
Collective exhibit in Traç d'Art Gallery of Sabadell.
Collective exhibit in Traç D'Art Gallery of Sabadell.
Collective exhibit in Manuela Talaverano Gallery of Sevilla.
Individual exhibit in Zúccaro Gallery of Madrid.
Collective exhibit in Traç d’Art Gallery of Sabadell.
Benefit Exhibition in Sant Joan de Deu.
Selected in the XV National Painting Contest"Fundación Cruzcampo-Ciudad de Calahorra"... Traveling Exhibition.
Benefit Exhibition in Sant Joan de Deu.
Collective in Benedito Gallery of Málaga.
Benefit Exhibition in Sant Joan de Deu.
Collective in Benedito Gallery of Málaga.
Collective in Espacio, 36 Gallery of Zamora.
Individual exhibition Zúccaro Gallery of Madrid.
Selected in the XV National Painting Contest"Fundación Cruzcampo-Ciudad de Calahorra"... Traveling Exhibition.
Collective Beaskoa Gallery of Barcelona.
Individual exhibition in Benedito Gallery of Málaga.
Collective Benedito Gallery of Málaga.
Collective in Benedito Gallery of Málaga.
Collective Beaskoa Gallery of Barcelona.
Collective Space 36 of Zamora.
Works in Permanence
- Beaskoa Gallery - Barcelona
- Sala Braulio - Castellón
- Zúccaro Gallery - Madrid
- Traç d’Art Gallery - Sabadell
- Benedito Gallery - Málaga
- Espacio 36 - Zamora
Paintings in Collections
- Banco de Sabadell
Paintings in
- Spain
- Portugal
- Japan
- E.E.U.U.
- England