Maps Series
When I started making engravings a few years ago, one of the series I wanted to work on was "maps". This theme allowed me to combine the engraving technique with the collage that I had already started using.
The idea arose when seeing the ink that was in the papers of onion that used when happening through the tórculo. Those spots created such inspiring shapes that invited you to be part of the work.
Maps Series 120x60cm
Maps Series 120x60cm
Maps Series 160x80cm
Planimetry Barcelona 100x50cm
Planimetry Barcelona 100x50cm
I do not like this world 120x120cm
Observing the world 40x80cm
I do not like this world 40x80cm
I do not like this world 40x80cm
The solitude of the executive 116x146cm
Pending subject 100x100cm
Tribute to my mother 116x73cm
The man in the hat 81x65cm
Choosing tourist destination 81x50cm
Traveling the world 91x73cm
From one place to another 27x22cm
Passing through the world 27x22cm
Leaving footprint 27x22cm
The man and the world 65x55cm
The student 40x40cm
The planet in our hands 90x65cm
The passage of time 130x97cm